Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community.

Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Summer
Total UNO Students: 7
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 35
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 90
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 315
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Inter/Trans-culture, Literacy

Description : Omaha South High School's Jump Start program will work with UNO's Latin Study Abroad students in partnership with the Intercultural Senior Center as they create art together. Participants will paint their home, identify their home country flag and share stories with one another.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Summer
Total UNO Students: 20
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 345
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 30
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 330
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Literacy, Youth Programming

Description : UNO Language Power and Culture students will work with the tweens from South Omaha's Boys and Girls Club to explore the topic of social media usage. The group will create a social media campaign to educate others about proper social media use. The project is called #SocialMEdia.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 20
Start Academic Year: 2016-17
UNO Student Hours: 320
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 20
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Literacy

Description : UNO students in Dr. Ritzman's Early Language Development course work together with Educational Navigators at the South Omaha Learning Community Center. UNO students prepare individualized interaction plans for families for when they enter the homes, focusing on language development milestones and information for parents. Navigators serve occassionally as translators, and work together with the students to evaluate the lesson plan and share the critical information. Students receive an orientation at the South Omaha library, and then go into the homes of families on a single visit inividually with a navigator, and lastly have a celebration on campus. As a gift to the families, SLA provides a selected book by Dr. Ritzman
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 17
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 255
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Literacy

Description : UNO students from Dr. Ritzman’s graduate class, Language Disorders: Birth to Five learn about dialogic reading and family centered practice for early intervention. Students prepare a lesson to give to preschoolers at the Charles B. Washington branch library in North Omaha in collaboration with their Prime Time program. This program caters to under-served families aged 6-10 and helps low-income families connect through book reading. Students prepare this lesson in correspondence to a children’s book. Students choose this book and extra copies are given to the children and families. This is a 6 week project that occurs on Saturday mornings from 8:30-11:30. The students help to serve breakfast and then provide the instruction in the preschool classroom with their books and resources.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 20
Start Academic Year: 2016-17
UNO Student Hours: 380
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Literacy

Description : SPED 8590 Education Language Disorders: Birth to Five
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 4
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 40
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 37
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 3,626
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: STEM/STEM Education, Art

Description : UNO Geology students and Our Lady of Lourdes 7th grade science students will be analyzing specific pieces of art in the Joslyn’s European exhibit to identify geological features and processes, such as the water and rock cycle. The UNO students will be facilitating the discussion at the Joslyn as well as partnering with the 7th graders on their final project. Throughout the semester, Ms. Shelley Brown’s students will create a geologically focused game for the Joslyn’s Education Center.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 13
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 130
End Semester: Fall
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2017-18
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: STEM/STEM Education

Description : Students partner with entrepreneurs from the Start Center to provide technological education and solutions to build good tech habits to grow their small businesses. Supplements the Start Center's work.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 9
Start Academic Year: 2016-17
UNO Student Hours: 180
End Semester: Fall
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2016-17
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: STEM/STEM Education

Description : Traditional ISQA4130 Information Sciences IT for Development
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 9
Start Academic Year: 2016-17
UNO Student Hours: 180
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: STEM/STEM Education

Description : Traditional ISQA8950 Information Sciences Capstone Mgmt Informatn Systms
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 18
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 360
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Gerontology

Description : Honors only Intro to Gerontology: GERO-2000 18 students – interview elders: Social Science data collection- interview, walk-about and phenomenological observation creation of a brief life story include exploration and analysis of the context (neighborhood) and how it has been shaped by them and shaped them assess for livability.
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