Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community.

Engagement Type: Knowledge and Resource Sharing
Activity Type: Community-oriented lecture/event
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: Spring
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2017-18
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 55
Topics: History

Description : Scholar and performer Benjamin Bagby explores how he reconstructed the performance of the Anglo–Saxon poem, in a free, public lecture at UNO. For a thousand years or more, one of Europe’s greatest epics had been silently awaiting its return to the domain of the bards who first gave voice to the thrilling story of King Hrothgar, the monster Grendel, and the hero Beowulf. In this lecture, the vocalist, storyteller, and early music scholar Benjamin Bagby will walk the audience through his research and reconstruction of the poem – how he took the story of Beowulf from its written form and brought it back to its original home: a live performance of oral epic.
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