Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
Linguistic Human Rights in Education: 2022-23 (3025) Social Justice Teacher Education, The Same & Francis Fried Holocaust & Genocide Academy Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 invited speaker from ERC and a tour + discussion of the Nobody’s Listening exhibition at UNO gallery in partnership with the Fried Academy about the Yazidi genocide. (the largest Yazidi community in the U.S. lives in Nebraska)
Fundamentals of Public Speaking (Spring 2023 Section.014): 2022-23 (3026) Health and Wellness Education Rights Counsel (ERC), Intercultural Senior Center, League of Women Voters, Live Well, Go Fish, World Speaks Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 25 175 0 0 0 0 Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech on how the nonprofit contributes to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. MPI Project CMST 1110.014
ERC Presentation Human Rights in P-12 Education (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3027) Arts, Culture and Humanities Education Rights Counsel (ERC) Teacher Education Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 12 0 0 0 0 0 Human Rights & Trafficking The course examines the intersection of human rights and P-12 education and prepares individuals to effectively work with and advocate for children and adolescents in educational settings. Students completing the course will be able to 1) demonstrate an increased understanding of fundamental human rights with a specific emphasis on education rights and the human rights of children and adolescents 2) create learning environments that elevate human rights in educational settings and 3) design developmentally appropriate instruction for children and adolescents on varied human rights topics. One of ERC's legal experts co-taught for one of the course days related to education law for 45 minutes - no cost. The value of ERC expertise of 112 dollars (hourly rate of 150). TED 8280 - INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RIGHTS IN P-12 EDUCATION
MACCH Internal Performance Plan (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3028) Educational Support Threshold CoC Marketing and Entrepreneurship Community-Based Learning Capstone None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 2 40 0 0 0 2 2 UNO students in the College of Business Administration completed their capstone course working with MACCH. The students, along with their faculty advisor, did an internal performance review and plan for the nonprofit.
Leadership in Early Childhood Education (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3029) Educational Support Education Rights Counsel (ERC) Teacher Education Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 13 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building This course seeks to prepare candidates with leadership skills in the early childhood field that will empower them to initiate and implement changes in programs serving young children and families. Candidates will explore and apply frameworks of leadership and analyze policy, governance, and power structures that can impact change. Candidates will also learn effective advocacy skills to positively influence policies and practices in program and governance structures. Lastly, candidates will examine approaches for developing new leaders in early childhood education through reflective supervision and mentorship. TED 8880
WhyArts and UNO Transitions Social Competencies (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3030) Arts, Culture and Humanities WhyArts Transitions Program Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 7 0 0 0 0 0 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity WhyArts partners with the Transitions Program providing opportunities for autistic young adults to practice and enhance social competencies in structured and unstructured group events on and off the UNO campus. This partnership began in 2015 and is ongoing at the beginning of each semester with WhyArts facilitating a session at the beginning of each semester (1 hour). The partnership supports UNO Transition's participants on the autism spectrum and those UNO students in learning and other meaningful experiences. CEPI does not account for projects prior to 2015 so this project entry begins in 2016 within the system. Each semester there are 3 to 4 graduate students and 4-5 undergraduate students involved.
2023 7 Days of Service: 2022-23 (3032) Social Justice Abide Omaha, American Red Cross, Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska, Girls Inc., inCOMMON Community Development, Intercultural Senior Center, Keep Omaha Beautiful, League of Women Voters, Mlikweed Matters, NAMI Nebraska, Salvation Army Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 25 350 0 0 0 0 The UNO community (students, faculty, and staff) and community members/organizations are invited to participate in serving the Omaha community in the areas of Health, International Service, Environment, Education, and Social Justice during 7 Days of Service! There will be various volunteer opportunities on-site at the organization, remotely, and on campus.
2023 May 60 Minutes of Service: 2022-23 (3034) Health and Wellness Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 15 15 0 0 0 0 Mental Health May's 60 Minutes of Service event celebrates and supports taking care of one's WHOLE self and the positive impact of serving others on our own well-being.
Futures Fair 2023 (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3035) Economic Impact 100 Black Men of Omaha, Alvine Engineering, American Physical Therapy Association Nebraska, Avenue Scholars Foundation, Blair Freeman, Boys Town, Centris Federal Credit Union, Childrens Hospital and Medical Center, Collective for Youth, College Possible, Cooper Law Partners, Core Bank, Creighton University, DLR Group, Douglas County Department of Corrections, Durham Museum, Education Quest Foundation, Evoluxion Barber Shop, First Tee, Fiserv, Fit Farm, Go Beyond, Go Beyond Nebraska, Godfather’s Pizza, Inc., KBBX Radio Lobo, Keep Omaha Beautiful, League of Women Voters, Lincoln Financial Group, Lozier Foundation, Metropolitan Community College (MCC), Metropolitan Utilities District, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Nebraska Humane Society, Nebraska Public Media, Nebraska State Patrol, Omaha Fire Department, Omaha Police Department, Omaha Public Library, Omaha Public Power District, One Percent Productions, Partnership 4 Kids, Project harmony, Rose Theater, Southern Sudan Community Association, Union Pacific, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Xenon Academy Air Force ROTC, Athletics, Aviation Institute, Biology, Black Studies, Career Connect, Communication, Counseling, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Emergency Management and Disaster Science, Engineering and Construction, Foreign Languages, Gerontology, Goodrich Scholarship Program, History, Honors Program, International Programs, KVNO Radio, Mathmatics, Military and Veteran's Services, Multicultural Affairs, Music, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), Project Achieve, Psychology, Social Work, Special Education and Communication Disorders, STEM Education, STEM Trail Center, Success Academy, Undergraduate Admissions, Women and Gender Studies Knowledge and Resource Sharing Access to Higher Education None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 25 0 0 106 0 0 The Goodrich Scholarship Program -- in collaboration with CPACS, multiple departments at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO), Metropolitan Community College, P4K, Omaha Public Schools (OPS), and local businesses throughout the Omaha community – is planning to host the Futures Fair, an event where diverse low-income education specialists create an environment where hundreds of 7th and 8th graders from P4K immerse themselves in activities that galvanize their interests and induce them into certain educational or academic habits that would facilitate their individual navigation of the often difficult road ahead to college or some other postsecondary institution. Support is both needed and critical for the continuation and growth of Goodrich’s Futures Fair partnership with P4K, UNO/CPACS and the community. Goodrich and P4K, with the assistance of CPACS and UNO, intend to continue to promote the accessibility of higher education to underserved middle school students through meaningful engagement that will create an immediate tangible opportunity for educational and employment exploration through the Futures Fair.
Lead (Pb) in Spice (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3038) Health and Wellness Douglas County Department of Health & Human Services, Omaha Public Schools Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 22 220 0 0 0 0 Lead (a neurotoxin) can be found in household spices. In coordination with the Douglas County Health Department (DCHD), spices were collected from staff and students at Westview HS. The samples will then be tested during lab time to determine the presence of lead. The results of the lead testing will be shared back with the high school and the students. No identifiable information about the spices was collected, therefore we will not be reporting to families or DCDH if the spices tested positive for lead. P-16 Project CHEM 1144.003
Music with Veterans (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3040) Arts, Culture and Humanities American Legion Rainbow Post 2 Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 3 84 0 0 0 0 UNO students partnered with US Army veterans from the Council Bluffs area to teach them basic guitar lessons. This project focused on both guitar basics and the health benefits of music. Traditional project MUS 3630.002
Pollinators Garden(Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3041) Environmental Stewardship Conservation Nebraska Environmental Studies Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 75 0 0 0 0 0 The " Pollinators Garden" Project is an exciting and educational collaboration between students from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) alon with P-1 school. In this two-semester endeavor, UNO students enrolled in the BIOL 1330 class will work hand-in-hand with P-12 students to create a Pollinator Garden. The primary goal of this project is to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem and to actively contribute to their conservation efforts. To achieve this, both UNO and P-12 students will participate in seed collection activities from the Glacier Creek and the Papillion Butterfly Garden. P-16 BIOL 1330.001
PUBLIC SPEAKING PHILANTHROPY(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3042) Arts, Culture and Humanities Be The Match College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 25 300 0 0 0 0 Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus, they chose for the informative speech. The nonprofits they choose will have a civic engagement focus. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. MPI CMST 1110.016
Data Literacy( Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3043) Educational Support Omaha Municipal Land Bank, RISE, Youth Emergency Services Mathmatics, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 26 910 0 0 0 0 UNO students partners with Youth Emergency Services, RISE and Omaha Municipal Land Bank. UNO Students work on datasets from these community partners then analyze, visualize and made a presentation on their findings from the data. Traditional STAT 1100.001
Worksite Wellness (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3044) Health and Wellness Omaha South High School, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 40 0 0 0 0 UNO students create a needs assessment and implement a wellness plan for staff at Gateway Elementary. In doing so, UNO students provide staff of Gateway with opportunities and tools to support a healthy lifestyle. Traditional KINS 4200.850 (Cross-listed with KINS 8206)
Extended Techniques in Piano Performance(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3045) Arts, Culture and Humanities Aksarben Village Senior Living, Dial Senior Living, Immanuel Memory Care Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 8 200 0 0 0 0 UNO students partner with Omaha South High School and Central High School students. UNO students learn and apply the knowledge on extended techniques in piano and then make a presentation to high school students. They also serve the community by playing music pieces at Immanuel Memory Center and Aksarben Senior Living Center. P-16 MUS 115L, 215L, 315L, 415L
HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3046) Educational Support Marian High School Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 32 448 0 0 0 0 UNO students partner with students from Marian High School to learn more about the history of mathematics. UNO students make videos of historical mathematicians. These videos are then posted on YouTube. Together, UNO and Marian High School students explore the sometimes funny historical facts while researching these mathematicians. P-16 MATH 3850
Civil Justice(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3047) Social Justice Spark CDI Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Students will understand the role that civil engineers have on community by exploring the history of redlining in Omaha. Students will be digitalizing old maps to research about the history of redlining especially towards the region of North Omaha and freeway 75 which created a visible redline that segregated community. Effects of north freeway built by white civic leaders from US transport department which teared apart black neighborhoods, demolishing entire homes, business and other resourceful institutions. Traditional CIVE 102.001
Resource Development& Training Presentations(Spring 2023)-001: 2022-23 (3048) Educational Support Learning for ALL College of Public Affiars and Community Service, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 20 340 0 0 0 0 Students in this course will develop their professional communication skills by working with clients from a non profit to interviewing them. Learning for All is a non prfit organization which will support residents and refugees for adult education and language/literacy. UNO communications students will be conducting interviews with clients from learning for all. These client and student stories experiences will serve as a great value to non profit in reaching out to the community. Traditional CMST 3130.001
Resource Development& Training presentations(Spring 2023)-002: 2022-23 (3049) Educational Support Learning for ALL Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 17 289 0 0 0 0 Students in this course will develop their professional communication skills by working with clients from Learning for All who support residents and refugees for adult education and language/literacy. UNO communications students will be conducting interviews with clients from Learning for All in relevance to professional development. Traditional CMST 3130.002
Behavioral Skill-Acquisition Intervention Interfaces for Training with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3050) Educational Support Academy of Marketing Science Air Force ROTC Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None None 5 140 0 0 0 0 Education Students will be doing research and analysis on Applied Behavior Analysis especially towards Autism Spectrum Disorder. Students meet and interview clients from different domain areas to get more insights and knowledge while working on prototype design. They will be working towards developing a concept or prototype of a digital system towards the end to help manage a system of training which relates to Applied Behavior's Analysis and individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Traditional ITIN 8220.001
Non-Profit Marketing Plans( Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3052) Educational Support Inclusive Communities Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 11 99 0 0 0 0 Students will gain valuable hands-on experience by collaborating with two distinct community partners. They will be divided into two groups, with each group assigned to work closely with a different partner. The objective is for students to create impactful content, including a newsletter, news release, graphic design, and a short video suitable for platforms like TikTok, tailored specifically for their assigned partners. This engaging project will provide students with a real-life experience that goes beyond the classroom, fostering practical skills and enhancing their understanding of community engagement. Traditional JMC 4250.860
PR Plans for Nonprofits (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3053) Educational Support Learning for ALL, Raise me to Read, WhyArts Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 13 143 0 0 0 0 In this project, students will learn to write newsletters, press releases, and conduct SWOT analyses for local organizations. Working in small groups, they will collaborate with three community partners, creating impactful content like newsletters, news releases, and PR reports tailored to each partner. This hands-on experience will enhance their writing, strategic thinking, and analytical skills while making a tangible impact. By participating in this immersive project, students will gain practical knowledge and readiness for real-world communications challenges. Traditional JMC 3230.001
Physical Activity and Nutrition Workshops (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3054) Health and Wellness Learning Community Center of North Omaha Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 13 234 0 0 0 0 This course centers around addressing contemporary concerns regarding weight management. Students will delve into the study of physical activity and nutrition guidelines, reviewing and applying them in practical ways. To reinforce their learning, students will visit the local community center, where they will engage in informative activities and put their knowledge into practice. This experiential approach ensures that students not only understand the concepts but also apply them in real-life scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of weight management issues and promoting the practical application of learned principles. P-16/KINS 8120.850
Digital Marketing Project (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3055) Educational Support Everyday Science and Science Support Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 22 880 0 0 0 0 In this digital marketing class, students will engage in a competitive project where they create a website for a local community partner. Through this course, they will gain valuable real-world experience by actively participating in marketing-related tasks focused on website development. Students will design and build the website, incorporating various elements such as compelling content, user-friendly navigation, and conversion optimization strategies. By actively engaging in these activities, students will develop practical skills and apply marketing concepts directly to the task of creating an effective website for the local community partner. This experiential learning approach ensures that students not only understand digital marketing principles but also acquire the ability to execute them effectively in the real world. Traditional/MKT 3360.001
Languages Exchange (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3056) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools, South High Magnet, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 16 160 0 0 0 0 This class offers students the opportunity to learn Spanish by engaging in direct interactions with native Spanish speakers. Throughout the course, there will be multiple sessions where students will meet and converse with individuals who primarily speak Spanish, with limited knowledge of English. The main objective of these sessions is to facilitate language exchange, allowing students to practice their Spanish skills while immersing themselves in an authentic linguistic environment. By engaging in these meaningful conversations, students will enhance their Spanish proficiency and develop a deeper understanding of the language and culture. P-16/ SPAN 2120.001
WORKING WITH MINORITY ELDERLY (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3057) Arts, Culture and Humanities Angels Care Hospice Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), College of Public Affiars and Community Service, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 27 945 0 0 0 0 The project focuses on health and disease, the normal aging process, and the social contexts of old age. In this course, students will have an opportunity to explore the role and contribution of elders to development of the US, gain an understanding of cultural, historic, social, economic and political factors that shape aspects of aging and the experience of being old generally and within racial/ethnic/cultural groups including African American Black, American Indian, Asian American, and Hispanic American, examine the relevance and effectiveness of current societal structures and service systems. Traditional GERO 4690.001/8696 and as SOWK 4040/8046
NONPROFIT ORGS & MGMT (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3058) Educational Support City Sprouts, MENTOR Nebraska, Omaha Girls Rock Public Administration, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 15 210 0 0 0 0 This course introduces students to the nonprofit sector, including several aspects of nonprofit management. Intended for any student who wishes to understand nonprofit organizations and/or who may wish to work in the nonprofit sector. Service learning in a nonprofit agency is an important aspect of the class. The goal is to show the types of nonprofits that exist. Students will work in small groups (3-5 students in a group) with one of three community partners. The student groups are expected to conduct two, one-hour interviews. Students are only required to attend one of the two interviews. After these two interviews, each organization will complete a planned questionnaire. Traditional PA 3500.001
Waste Not Want Not (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3059) Environmental Stewardship Blackburn Alternative High School, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 25 36,250 0 0 0 0 Students` awareness of composting and zero waste school lunches will be raised during this course. Students will work in groups with Blackburn high school students to develop a proposal to give to OPS and UNO staff to expand composting more thoroughly on campus. P-16 SUST 1000.001
Historically Marginalized Composers(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3060) Arts, Culture and Humanities Aksarben Village Senior Living, Dial Senior Living, Omaha Public Schools Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 12 228 0 0 0 0 This course is a study of the physiological and acoustical properties of the vocal mechanism and of the various techniques used in developing the singing voice. Also, it applies knowledge acquired about the voice through studio teaching and observations of other voice teachers. (Cross-listed with MUS 8616). The course designed for UNO students, so they could train their mentor skills while teaching Central High School students, and for the school students this partnership is an opportunity to perform and train their presentation skills. P-16 MUS 4610/ MUS 8616
Principles of Marketing(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3061) Arts, Culture and Humanities freedomtainment Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 26 780 0 0 0 0 UNO students will provide marketing support to local non-profit for the semester. The Spring 2023 nonprofit students are working with is called Freedomtainment. Traditional MKT 3310.820
SOWK 1500-Social Work And Civic Engagement(Spring 2023) -001: 2022-23 (3062) Educational Support Completely Kids, Ollie Webb Center, Together Inc Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 17 391 0 0 0 0 Students enrolled in SOWK 1500 are working with a variety of non-profits in the area. In doing this work, students are able to learn about the needs of diverse populations throughout the Omaha area. They are serving at a food pantry, working with children in an after school program, and supporting adults with disabilities in their various roles. P-16 SOWK 1500.001
SOWK 1500- Social Work And Civic Engagement(Spring 2023)- 002: 2022-23 (3063) Health and Wellness Abide Omaha, Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 13 299 0 0 0 0 Students enrolled in SOWK 1500 are working with a variety of non-profits in the area. In doing this work, students are able to learn about the needs of diverse populations throughout the Omaha area. They are preparing food packages for distribution, doing neighborhood clean-up and revitalization and working with children with disabilities in their various settings. P-16 SOWK 1500.002
Puente al Exito (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3064) Educational Support Learning Community Center of South Omaha College of Education, Health, and Human Science, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 370 0 0 0 0 UNO Students enrolled in TED 2050: Intro to Teaching ESL classes will participate in a service learning project in collaboration with the Learning Community Center of South Omaha (LCC) for six weeks. UNO students will engage with LCC families weekly to explore topics of educational support, parent resources, and overall wellness to better support their children’s learning careers. UNO students will travel to the LCC for the first session. UNO students will host LCC families on UNO’s Dodge Campus and Scott Campus for tours, educational sessions and a final celebration. P-16 TED 2050.002
Lead (Pb) in Spice-001: 2022-23 (3065) Health and Wellness Douglas County Health Department Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 22 220 0 0 0 0 Lead (a neurotoxin) can be found in household spices. In coordination with the Douglas County Health Department (DCHD), spices were collected from staff and students at Westview HS. The samples will then be tested during lab time to determine the presence of lead. The results of the lead testing will be shared back with the high school and the students. No identifiable information about the spices was collected, therefore we will not be reporting to families or DCDH if the spices tested positive for lead. P-16 CHEM 1144.001
Pb (Lead) in Spice-002: 2022-23 (3066) Health and Wellness Douglas County Health Department Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 24 240 0 0 0 0 Lead (a neurotoxin) can be found in household spices. In coordination with the Douglas County Health Department (DCHD), spices were collected from staff and students at Westview HS. The samples will then be tested during lab time to determine the presence of lead. The results of the lead testing will be shared back with the high school and the students. No identifiable information about the spices was collected, therefore we will not be reporting to families or DCDH if the spices tested positive for lead. P-16 CHEM 1144.002
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