Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
Data Literacy( Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3043) Educational Support Omaha Municipal Land Bank, RISE, Youth Emergency Services Mathmatics, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 26 910 0 0 0 0 UNO students partners with Youth Emergency Services, RISE and Omaha Municipal Land Bank. UNO Students work on datasets from these community partners then analyze, visualize and made a presentation on their findings from the data. Traditional STAT 1100.001
Get the Word Out: Rad Women (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Arts, Culture and Humanities, Health and Wellness, Social Justice Blackburn Alternative High School, Omaha Public Schools, Youth Emergency Services Service Learning Academy (SLA), Special Education and Communication Disorders Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 14 742 0 26 58 0 Develop./Physical Disability, Theatre and Cinema UNO students from Dr. Ritzman’s Speech Language Disorders course will work with the Blackburn Alternative Program students from Ms. Deana Colon's Yearbook and English classes and Ms. Hilary George's Computer Graphic Design classes. The UNO students will carefully plan the lessons prior to their classroom visits. This semester's research focus is "rad women" in Omaha in conjunction with another SLA project.   The art pieces will be featured in a gallery/showcase and proceeds from the gallery will be donated to the Youth Emergency Services, Inc.
Youth Emergency Services, Omaha - Board Membership: 2016-17 (1542) Social Justice Youth Emergency Services Criminology and Criminal Justice Board Memberships None None Fall 2016-17 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 William Wakefield has served as a board member and trustee for the local, non-profit social service agency Youth Emergency Services since 1990, which is dedicated to crisis-intervention with high risk teens in Omaha area. 1990-present
MLK Day of Service - 1/15/18: 2017-18 (018) Health and Wellness Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2017-18 None 2 0 0 0 0 7 Health Awareness Assistance with day to day operations at our Street Outreach Center. Facility clean up, sorting and organizing donations.
Collaborative Interns Youth Emergency Services: 2016-17 (2541) Educational Support, Health and Wellness Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2016-17 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
MLK Day of Service 2024: 2023-24 (3119) Social Justice Hope Center For Kids, Open Door Mission, Youth Emergency Services Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2023-24 Spring 2023-24 13 78 0 0 0 33 UNO students, staff, faculty, and community members are invited to participate in the day of service which will included a place based redlining experience, service at an Omaha non profit organization and a panel luncheon.
INTRODUCING Reading: 2016-17 Educational Support City of Omaha, University of Haifa, Youth Emergency Services Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Fine Arts Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Fall 2017-18 None 0 0 0 0 0 40 Literacy UNO’s MFA in Writing program is sponsoring the INTRODUCING Reading Series in cooperation with Youth Emergency Services (YES). Each installment will feature a student-writer from YES and two published writers. The series is the brainchild of MFA graduate student Emily Borgmann, who will moderate each event. She has been running writing workshops at YES leading up to this series.
DAS (Fall 2020): 2020-21 (1510) Economic Impact, Educational Support, Health and Wellness Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands, Youth Emergency Services Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2020-21 Fall 2020-21 25 2,100 0 0 0 0 Food and Water Security, Youth Programming, Develop./Physical Disability UNO students will work virtually with YAS! - Young Adult (and Adolescent) Series (YAS!) is programming for tweens, teens, and young adults to adulthood. YAS! programs/classes this semester will focus on Be Safe trainings, Down 2 Box, Improv, Running Club, and more. The classes run weekends/evenings - times/days vary depending on the class and event.
Seven Days of Service - 3/21/2017: 2016-17 (006) Educational Support, Social Justice Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 13 69 0 0 0 0 Youth Programming Prepared materials for annual volunteer event
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (009) Educational Support, Social Justice Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 3 16 0 0 0 4 Youth Programming Sorted, organized and shelved donations
Seven Days of Service - 3/23/18: 2017-18 (008) Health and Wellness Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2017-18 None 5 0 0 0 0 0 Health Awareness Volunteers will assist with day to day operations at Youth Emergency Services' Street Outreach Center. Volunteers will help with facility upkeep and clean up, sorting and organizing donations, and stocking our pantry for youth in need.
Seven Days of Service - 3/21/2017: 2016-17 (007) Economic Impact, Health and Wellness Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 3 14 1 0 0 11 Holistic Wellness Clean maternity housing
Sustainability Expo: 2017-18 (900) Environmental Stewardship Citizens' Climate Lobby - Omaha Nebraska Chapter, City Sprouts, Common Seed Soil Library, Omaha Public Library, Green Bellevue, Green Omaha Coalition, Habitat Omaha ReStore, Heartland B-cycle, Keep Omaha Beautiful, Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA), Metro Transit Omaha, Mode Shift Omaha, Nebraskans for Peace, Nebraskans for Solar, No More Empty Pots, Omaha Stormwater, City of Omaha, Omaha Together One Community, Refugee Empowerment Center, Sierra Club Nebraska Chapter, The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska, University of Nebraska Medical Center, U.S. Green Building Council - Nebraska Flatwater Chapter, Youth Emergency Services Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Maverick Food Pantry, Sustainability Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Spring 2017-18 Spring 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 65 Climate and Sustainability In celebration of Earth Month, the Sustainability Expo is designed to engage students, faculty, and staff about sustainability problems and solutions, ranging from environmental to social justice issues. Over 20 sustainability-related organizations from the Omaha-Metro area will be on hand to discuss with attendees the work that they do as well as providing information about how individuals can get involved in their efforts.
Fundamentals of Public Speaking(Fall 2023): 2023-24 (3150) Social Justice American Heart Association, CHI Health Lakeside, Food Bank for the Heartland, Lungs 4 Life Foundation, Open Door Mission, YMCA of Greater Omaha, Youth Emergency Services College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 12 276 0 0 0 0 Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to recieve the $1000 grant. CMST 1110.009
2023 MLK Day of Service: 2022-23 (2780) Social Justice Hope Center For Kids, Open Door Mission, Project harmony, Refugee Empowerment Center, Siena Francis House, Stephen Center, WhyArts, Women's Center for Advancement, Youth Emergency Services Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 30 120 0 10 0 110 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Students, faculty, staff, and community partners are invited to participate in UNO's 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. 2023 Theme "Beloved Community" - Dr. King's philosophy is that a beloved community is one where economic and social justice is inclusive and provides everyone the ability to live a high quality of life. • Number of Total Volunteer Participants = 150 • Number of Community Organizations Served = 8 • Number of UNO Students/Staff/Faculty/Alumni = 55 • Volunteer Representation across the Omaha Community : Volunteers were a part of 11 Unique Community Organizations
Maverick Community Connection (Spring 2022 ALL Sections): 2021-22 (2724) Social Justice AIM Institute, All Care Health Center, American Cancer Society: Hope Lodge, Autism Society of NE, Benson First Fridays (BFF), Center for Holistic Development, Child Saving Institute, City Sprouts, Collective for Hope/Grief's Journey, College Possible, Community Alliance, Credit Advisors Foundation, Eat 'N' Talk Africa, Financial Beginnings, Fresh Hope for Mental Health, Girls Inc., Heartland B-cycle, Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy (HETRA), Heartland Family Service-Homeless Program, Heartland Hope Mission, Inclusive Communities, Kaneko, Kim Foundation, Learning for ALL, Legal Aid of Nebraska, Lifestyle Health Alliance, Little White Dog Rescue, NAMI Nebraska, No More Empty Pots, Omaha Bridges Out of Poverty, Omaha Home for Boys, Partnership 4 Kids, RESPECT, SAC Museum, Siena Francis House, Spielbound Board Game Cafe, Take Flight Farms, Tri-City Food Pantry, Tri-Faith Initiative, Visiting Nurses Association (VNA), Wisdom House Collaborative, Women's Center for Advancement, Youth Emergency Services Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2021-22 Spring 2021-22 61 366 0 0 0 0 UNO Students from CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action. MPI Traditional Project. CMST 1110.028 CMST 1110.8601 CMST 1110.8602
Race, Crime, and Injustice(Fall 2023): 2023-24 (3153) Social Justice inCOMMON Community Development, Mental Health Association of Nebraska, Youth Emergency Services College of Public Affiars and Community Service Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 26 338 0 0 0 0 Students will work in groups (or independently) and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about their efforts to combat the effects of racism (i.e., redlining, mass incarceration, food deserts, inequitable public education, predatory lending, maternal mortality, and voter suppression) or any other “ism” covered in class. Students will research and inform fellow groups on the nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, clients, staffing, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experience volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected organization from the list provided. Lastly, students will vote on which local nonprofit organization presented could most benefit from UNO’s $1,000 MPI course grant based on the course project findings. CRCJ 8120.001
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