Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
Social Work Service Learning Hours(Fall 2024): 2023-24 (3372) Social Justice Completely Kids, Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands, inCOMMON Community Development, Sheltering Tree Inc College of Public Affiars and Community Service, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 28 3 0 0 0 0 Students in SOWK 1500 will complete 20 hours of service learning with a local community organization, engaging in meaningful work with a variety of non-profits in the Omaha area. This experience will allow students to explore and review the services provided by these organizations, deepening their understanding of diverse community needs, such as food insecurity and support for individuals with cognitive differences. The project will culminate in a professional group presentation, where students will share their experiences, strengthen their referral skills, and enhance their presentation abilities, all of which are essential in the field of social work. SOWK 1500.001 Traditional/Direct
Fundamentals of Public Speaking -001(Spring 2024): 2023-24 (3258) Educational Support 3 Sisters, Abide Omaha, Building Bright Futures, Council Bluffs Pantry Association, Empowerment Network, Felius Cat Cafe and Rescue, Good New Jail and Prison Ministry, Habitat for Humanity: Council Bluffs, Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy (HETRA), Heartland Workers Center, inCOMMON Community Development, Mode Shift Omaha, Release Inc, Restored Wings, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Omaha, Trans Stitchin Communication Service Learning None None Spring 2023-24 None 24 288 0 0 0 0 Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to recieve the $1000 grant. CMST 1110.11 MPI
Race, Crime, and Injustice(Fall 2023): 2023-24 (3153) Social Justice inCOMMON Community Development, Mental Health Association of Nebraska, Youth Emergency Services College of Public Affiars and Community Service Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 26 338 0 0 0 0 Students will work in groups (or independently) and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about their efforts to combat the effects of racism (i.e., redlining, mass incarceration, food deserts, inequitable public education, predatory lending, maternal mortality, and voter suppression) or any other “ism” covered in class. Students will research and inform fellow groups on the nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, clients, staffing, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experience volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected organization from the list provided. Lastly, students will vote on which local nonprofit organization presented could most benefit from UNO’s $1,000 MPI course grant based on the course project findings. CRCJ 8120.001
Social Work Service Learning Hours-001(Fall 2024): 2023-24 (3373) Social Justice inCOMMON Community Development, Ollie Webb Center, Whispering Roots College of Public Affiars and Community Service, Maverick Food Pantry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 23 3 0 0 0 0 Students in SOWK 1500 will complete 20 hours of service learning with a local community organization, engaging in meaningful work with a variety of non-profits in the Omaha area. This experience will allow students to explore and review the services provided by these organizations, deepening their understanding of diverse community needs, such as food insecurity and support for individuals with cognitive differences. The project will culminate in a professional group presentation, where students will share their experiences, strengthen their referral skills, and enhance their presentation abilities, all of which are essential in the field of social work. SOWK 1500.003 Traditional/Direct
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