Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community.

Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 19
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 541
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : The goal of this class is to provide opportunities and spaces for 1) the multilingual learners to imagine themselves as future college students, imagine themselves as multilingual English speakers, imagine themselves as teachers and 2) the UNO pre-service candidates put into practice the culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogies that they are introduced to through the course, as well as learn about the multifaceted strengths multilingual learners bring to the classroom. P-16 TED 2050.001
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 24
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 798
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Teacher candidates work with adult ELLs at the LCCSO a total of four times. UNO students develop lesson plans to work with the adult EL students on various topics of language and education. UNO students give the LCCSO families a tour of Dodge campus to give them a taste of college life at UNO. P-16 TED 2050.001
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 24
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 168
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to recieve the $1000 grant. MPI CMST 1110.024
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 31
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 496
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Students will work in groups (or independently) and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about their efforts to combat the effects of racism (i.e., redlining, mass incarceration, food deserts, inequitable public education, predatory lending, maternal mortality, and voter suppression) or any other “ism” covered in class. Students will research and inform fellow groups on the nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, clients, staffing, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experience volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected organization from the list provided. Lastly, students will vote on which local nonprofit organization presented could most benefit from UNO’s $1,000 MPI course grant based on the course project findings. MPI PSYC 3250.850
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 60
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 960
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Students will work in groups (or independently) and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about the role teachers play in students’ development and academic achievement. Students are expected to create a presentation (or write a clear and concise paper) summarizing their service learning experience, integrating key concepts from class, assignments and group discussions. In short, in the presentation or paper, students will research and inform their classmates on their selected nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, description of stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experience volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected local nonprofit organization from the list provided. Then, students will vote on which organization presented by their classmates could most benefit from UNO’s $1,000 MPI course grant based on the course project findings. MPI PSYC 3510.850 & 851
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 30
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 480
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Students will work in groups and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about their efforts to combat the effects of racism (i.e., redlining, mass incarceration, food deserts, inequitable public education, predatory lending, maternal mortality, and voter suppression among others). Students will research and educate fellow groups on the nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, clients, staffing, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experiences volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected organization. Then, students will collectively decide which organization presented could most benefit from their $1,000 MPI course grant based on their course project findings. MPI PSYC 4150.850
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 10
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 260
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Students will have a semester project focused on a topic area related to redlining and criminal justice. They will then locate an organization that is focused on addressing this specific area. For example, victimization, diversion/prevention, or reentry (criminal justice related). The students groups will then present on these organizations and the class will decide with organization will receive the $1000 grant. MPI CRCJ 8120.001
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 10
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Students define their passions, talents, and interests to choose a best-fit major/minor; students explore different disciplines, Academic Focus Areas, and majors/minors at UNO; draw on happiness and well-being theories to help them better define the meaning of success in college and in life. P-16 EXPL 1000.007
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : In groups, students are hired as consultants to run an 11-weeks social media campaign for the SAC Aerospace Museum. Groups will pitch their strategies and show their social media post performances to the SAC Aerospace Museum (client) at the end of the semester. TRADITIONAL MKT 3370.001
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 8
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 100
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Munroe Meyer Institute (MMI) will recruit families to partner with UNO students and the UNO students coordinate with families, get to know them, obtain IEP, and create recommendations to help family develop their child’s strengths and meet goals throughout the semester. P-16 PSYC 9050.860
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