Engagement Type:
Service Learning
Activity Type:
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 35
Start Academic Year: 2022-23
UNO Student Hours: 385
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year:
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants:
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Description :
The purpose of this project is for UNO college students to develop their understanding of African American psychology through the student philanthropy model of service learning. UNO students are seeking organizations that are Black-led and Black-focused. Students will work with select community partners during the semester for their final course project. With this project, UNO students will be required to volunteer for a minimum of 5 hours and do something tangible in the community. Volunteer opportunities will be based on the needs of the organization. Students will be learning about service leadership and will present how they used leadership/course content in their service work. For the final presentation, students will do their own independent research into the organization and present that along with their experiences volunteering for the organization of their choice. At the end of the semester, students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant.
MPI service learning course
PSYC 4150.850